Thursday 2 February 2012


Not much happening today chez Quinlan.  I've got a quiet morning planned involving tea, an attempt to start a knitting project on the knitting loom my mother in law gave me at least three years ago, and a bath to soak my sore muscles from yesterday's yoga.  
Remember those lunch time laughs I mentioned yesterday?  Well, they were partly due to a very funny story involving a petting zoo, and partly due to this video.  Did you know they pre-release Super Bowl commercials now?  What's the fun in that?  This one is pretty good though, and based on a movie I love. 
You can't tell me you didn't laugh when you saw the giant panda in the passenger seat!
Hope you enjoyed that little tidbit.  I've got to get back to my knitting loom.  You can bet I'll update you on my progress with that project.  Or should I say lack of progress . . . 

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