I have had both very long hair and very short hair, and everything in between. And while I usually lean towards the shorter side of the spectrum, it doesn't seem like many others in my life feel the same way.

As a teacher, returning to school the day after having your hair cut can be intense. True, there are those students who don't notice, but more often than not there are many comments, often when you're trying to lecture, or administer a test or at a zillion other inopportune times that the munchables will make their feelings known.

I can remember one student who said, upon seeing my freshly coiffed locks, "Don't worry, Mrs. Quinlan. It will grow back." Or another who waited until several months later when the hair had in fact grown back, then said, "Remember that time you had a bowl cut? I'm glad you grew it out." And inevitably, the girls in my class would swoon over the wedding photo on my desk, and say things like: "Oh, you had such long hair! You were so pretty then. Why did you cut it all off?" From the mouths of babes . . . ? Even my brother in law joined in with his very forward thinking perspective when I cut my hair shortly after my wedding saying, "Well, you're married, you've cut off your hair, now all you need to do is gain 15 pounds to complete the trifecta." Ahem.

But here's the thing. My hair is not particularly thick, and so when it's long, it has a tendency to look like someone attached seven strands of golden yarn to my head. Yes, long hair is more versatile, but also more work. Short hair seems edgier and more stylish, but you have to cut it constantly to keep it's shape, and sometimes it can cross into soccer mom territory. Currently my hair is in a mid length bob, because I didn't want to have a pixie cut paired with a potentially bloated pregnant face, but I'm sure after the bébé arrives the temptation to reach for the scissors will arrive with a vengeance. My only fear is that I won't be able to make a sound decision with the monumental hormone shifts and lack of sleep that are awaiting me. What to do? Turn to the internet for advice! What do you think? Long or short?
While I await your shrewd advice, I'm off to research some ideas for future posts. Talking about myself constantly has become dreary.
I love that I keep finding out the many ways that we are so similar in our thinking! I've had my hair so many lengths that when I start a sentence with "So my hair..." Andrew and my family quake in their boots with dread. After 2 years of dating and 13 years of marriage Andrew finally mentioned in passing one day that he prefers it long??? Who knew he had opinions??? I am currently sporting shoulder length hair but having just turned 40 this month I'm considering cutting it short again because I live in fear of being "the old lady with the long hair". I did however prepare my stylist that this may happen in January and to stop me from making a rash decision. Unfortunately, it's in her best interest for me to go short as I need to get it cut every four weeks like clockwork so I'm not sure I totally trust her :-( I like your short sassy haircuts with your delicate features but after having Jack it was great to be able to pull my hair back into a pony to create a bit of distance between myself and my baby puke drenched hair that I was too tired to wash. That being said, having a face like a moon with short hair when I was pregnant with Adam was not my finest hour. Ultimately none of this is of any relevance other than proving once again that we are very like minded. I await your decision with bated breath then you can help me decide what to do with my hair :-)
ReplyDeleteOh, the dreaded moon face! I'm glad I'll have some hair to disguise that as I near the third trimester! Clearly there are many reasons I am your protegé.
Deletei love, love your hair, shelby. i've been envious of it even! i love how amazingly you (and lindsay too) pull of the bob and pixie. i've wanted to cut my hair like that for awhile now but having my share in bad hair cuts have prevented me from doing so. having my long hair is a security for me! i agree with the stylish edginess it brings, though. it also makes you seem so sophisticated and stylish, hahah, i don't know.
ReplyDeletecutting your hair is a big deal, not only to "your audience" but to yourself. having confidence is very important at the ripe ol' age of 16 (and even for you now, i presume) but none the less, you pull it off so well and i say keep on cutting! you look wonderful, cuz! :)
Aw, thanks Syd! I know what you mean - not a chance I would've rocked the pixie in high school. And PS I'm jealous that you can be blonde or brunette and look fab, just like SJP, Reese W and those other hair goddesses.
DeleteI always like your hair, short suits you, yet your hair grows like grass. I, on the other hand, love long hair and my hair grows at a snail's pace! Jeesh.
ReplyDeleteWhatevs - you have other genetics that I'm jealous of - you know what they are.
DeleteThis was a priceless blog I so thoroughly enjoyed. How right you are! My hair has been my demise since age 4. My mom albeit not a hairdresser, kindly cut my hair into those 3 strands of yarn leaving the rest of my head as bangs. Afterwards she kindly convinced me my hair was too stringy to keep long, her advice; short hair would magically thicken. Thus began the heartache of "mushroom" cuts "bowl" cuts and "mop head coifs". Poor, Poor me. I stand by my dream as a little girl to have long flowing locks. Thankfully I grew into style and found myself with those short edgy stylish hair do's. Any frown of mine would be upturned by expressions of "not many people can pull that cut off tia", "your pixie cut is awesome, I wish I could do it," " and " it suites you." Still I longed for my fairytale hair. I could fake it with extensions on my wedding day but how was I going to hide the dreaded wavy, boy hair mully look in the delivery room. A year and half later with news of our little bean, it wasn't the "moon" face I was worried about, but the few hair growing months I had left. After attempting vitamins, foolish hair products and anything that would make my hair grow faster, I relied on these new pregnancy hormones to do the trick. I wore my hair back in a so called pony- tail that resembled nothing short of an 80's "tail" and promised myself no hair straightening or hair blowing to help the hair gods work their magic. I envied all those labour induced mothers who yes red-faced and sweaty, but with beautiful hair long enough to put in a high pony-tail, messy bun or braid showcasing their femininity during a most vulnerable time to our friend the camera. On Dec 24th my elastic and bobby pins used to fake a meagre pony-tail gone! I was left with an all around ugly, partially grown out mullet that puts all haircuts and styles in the last century to shame. I could not bring myself to delete these rank photos for they were the firsts ever taken of our darling Luxin. My hair, though still my demise is the longest its been since the stringy yarn days and this time I am not giving up the dream. Weird, strange, crazy and all of the above, If not until that "40 yr old with the long hair," I will wait. Shelby you have always rocked the shorties but my advice to one and every women in this world don't you dare cut your hair!!! EVER........ at least not until to have had your baby.
ReplyDeleteI love all of the comments!! Should have known hair would be the topic that got people talking. LOL - What is it with everyone saying the shorter your hair the thicker it will feel?! Not quite true! I love that you were already thinking of your delivery room do on your wedding day. You're so right - the only thing about cutting your hair short is how PAIN.FUL it is to grow out. I love your short hair too, Tia, but I've seen some of the more recent pics and I'm loving the long waves. Next baby you'll have your delivery room dream pony ;) You still in SK?