In search of inspiration, I was fervently procrastinating researching new material online. There has been a chain letter/tag type thing floating around some of my regular blog haunts lately. I hadn't been tagged, but was thinking about stealing the idea anyway and just pretending I'd been tagged, but then Paige over at There's More Where That Came From brusquely declared her post as an open invitation rather than tagging people specifically. I took that as my personal invitation. So here goes:
The rules:
1. The first rule is to post these rules.
2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 things about you/your life .
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post.
4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
5. Go to their blog/twitter and tell them that you've tagged them.
Matching hair! Kind of . . . |
Things you never knew you wanted to know:
1. Aside from being a card carrying school teacher (I seriously have a card that says I can be a teacher FOR LIFE. Aren't I lucky?), I am also a yoga teacher.
2. I required my students to adjust their desks so that they were at right angles with the floor tiles several times a day. When they failed to meet 90 degrees exactly, I would then re-adjust their desks for them.
3. Likewise, when teaching yoga, I would really prefer that all mats be aligned at 90 degrees exactly. I haven't yet worked up the nerve to have my yoga students adjust their mats, however.
4. I do not like most cooked vegetables.
5. I make a meal plan a month in advance.
6. I also do not like my food to touch.
7. Seven is my lucky number.
8. And so I got married on 07/07/07.
9. I have two middle names, the second more awful than the first.
10. My two bad middle names are still not as bad as my poor uncle's. His middle name is Moise (pronounced Mo-ease. It's French).
11. I should start making dinner, but I just ate two cookie dough brownies and now have zero interest in eating a well balanced meal.
Paige's Questions:
1. If you liked dogs, could I sell you a slightly-used Boxer? If I liked dogs, you could, but I don't, so you can't.
2. Favorite color? Granny Smith apple green.
3. I recently had the plumbing replaced in my kitchen, would that be something you'd consider paying for? Again, if I liked plumbing, you could, but I don't, so you can't.
4. You can only meet one celebrity, who is it? Ellen Degeneres.
5. Do you stop watching TV if you lose the remote? That depends what is on at the moment.
7. Hobby? Does eating count? Maybe cooking sounds better, and it can still include eating.
8. If you had to pick someone to compliment today, would I be your first choice? Sure. Love your glasses!
9. Last time you talked to a carnie or rode a Ferris wheel? Not since junior high. Man, I've got to get out more often.
10. How's the weather? Kind of grey and dreary.
11. How likely are you to click on the music video below? Cause you should. It's really weird. I tried, Paige. It did not work!!
And my own questions:
1. What is your middle name?
2. Do you know a funny joke?
3. The best thing that happened to you in the last week?
4. Favourite flavour of ice cream?
5. Last movie you saw?
6. Best vacation spot you've been to?
7. What is a favourite Christmas gift you were given as a child?
8. Are you a side, back, or stomach sleeper?
9. Have you ever quit something? What was it?
10. How did you celebrate St. Patrick's day?
11. Ever broken a bone? How'd you do it?
Like Paige, I'm not going to tag anyone - most bloggers I read have done this already. If you want to give it a stab, let me know. I'd love to read your answers. If you're not a blogger, you could answer my clever questions in the comments section below.